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General Biology I

Master the full spectrum of foundational biological concepts from the chemical and molecular basis of life to genetic engineering.

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General Biology I
Higher Education

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Embark on an in-depth exploration into the building blocks of life. This course aims to equip students with an understanding of key biological concepts, from the chemical foundation of life to advanced topics in biotechnology and genomics. Through a series of interactive virtual simulations, students will analyze cellular structures, decipher metabolic pathways, and explore the mechanisms of gene expression and inheritance.

Investigating the Building Blocks of Life

Examine and differentiate the essential elements that constitute life, starting with the chemical foundations and biological macromolecules. Apply this knowledge and utilize virtual labs to reveal cellular structures and functions, which in turn, facilitate exploring complex, but essential, cellular processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, and division that power life. 

Traverse the Path from DNA to Biotechnology

Walk the path that begins with Mendel’s Laws, the foundation of our knowledge of traits and inheritance. Assess Mendel’s experiments and extend this understanding to modern genetics, examining the structure and function of DNA, and the processes by which genes are expressed and proteins synthesized. Finally, apply theory in our genomics and biotechnology labs to see how genes and genetic processes can be leveraged to impact society and medicine.  

Learning Objectives

  • Illustrate and contextualize the chemical and molecular foundations of life
  • Apply principles of metabolism, cellular respiration, and photosynthesis in energetic contexts
  • Understand mechanisms of cell communication, reproduction, and genetic inheritance
  • Evaluate advancements in biotechnology and genomics, considering their ethical, social, and practical implications

Browse Course Simulations by Unit

Course Units


The Study of Life

Pipetting: Selecting and Using Micropipettes

Pipetting: Master the technique

Lab Safety

Introductory Lab

Demo Simulation

Measurements and Uncertainty

Experimental Design

Light Microscopy


Aseptic Technique: Culture your sample without contamination

Counting Cells: Control the epidemic

Math for Scientists

Fundamental Mathematics: Density

Fundamental Mathematics: Logarithms and Exponentials

Fundamental Mathematics: Conversion factors and dimensional analysis

Fundamental Mathematics: Significant Figures

Scientific Notation: Converting large numbers

The Chemical Foundation of Life

Properties of Water

Atomic Structure: Assess the possibility of life on other planets

Biological Macromolecules

DNA: Structure and function

Biuret’s Test for Proteins

Protein Synthesis

Protein Denaturation

Sudan IV Test for Lipids

Benedict’s Test: Which food samples contain reducing sugars?

Iodine Test for Complex Carbohydrates

Benedict’s Test for Simple Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates: The sugars that feed us

Introduction to Food Macromolecules

Cell Structure

Gram Stain: How stains and counterstains work

Gram Stain: Test yourself in Gram Stain Procedure

Building Gram Positive and Gram Negative Cell Walls

The Gram Stain: Identify and differentiate bacteria

Bacterial Cell Structures: An introduction to the bacterial cell

Building Animal Cells

Cell Culture Basics: Plate, split and freeze human cells

Cell Structure: Cell theory and internal organelles

Structure and Function of Plasma Membranes

Cell Membrane and Transport: Types of transporter proteins

Cell Membrane and Transport: Modifying the cell membrane

Cell Membrane and Transport: Learn how transporters keep cells healthy


Enzyme Kinetics

Cellular Respiration (Principles): Measure energy consumption during exercise

Basic Chemistry Thermodynamics: Solve the challenge of storing renewable energy

Conservation of Energy (Principles): Unleash the roller coaster's potential

Cellular Respiration: Measuring energy consumption during exercise

Conservation of Energy: maximize the mechanical energy of a rollercoaster

Cellular Respiration

Cellular Respiration: The Krebs Cycle

Cellular Respiration: Glycolysis

Cellular Respiration: Respirometry

Cellular Respiration: Measuring energy consumption during exercise

Cellular Respiration (Principles): Measure energy consumption during exercise


Photosynthesis: Algae pigment analysis

Photosynthesis: Electron transport chain

Electron Transport Chain: A rollercoaster ride that produces energy

Cell Communication

Action Potential Lab: Experiment with a squid neuron

Signal Transduction: How cells communicate

Cell Reproduction

Cancer: Impact of BRCA mutations

Mitosis: Using a toxic compound from the yew tree in cancer therapy

Cell Division (Principles): Mitosis and Meiosis

Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction

Cell Division (Principles): Mitosis and Meiosis

Meiosis: Understand how traits are inherited

Mendel's Experiments and Heredity

Meiosis: How is color blindness inherited?

Inheritance with Punnett Squares

Inheritance with Pedigrees

Mendelian Inheritance: From genes to traits

Modern Understandings of Inheritance

Monogenic Disorders

Gene linkage and pedigree analyses

Medical Genetics

DNA Structure and Function

Molecular Cloning

Gene Expression Unit: Use sequencing to unveil a gene linked to obesity

DNA: Structure and function

Genes and Proteins

Introduction to Protein Synthesis

RNA Extraction: Sample and purify mRNA from pigs

Gene Expression

Cancer: Impact of BRCA mutations

Gene Regulation

Genetic Transfer in Bacteria: Prevent the rise of superbugs!

Biotechnology and Genomics

Invertebrate Model System: Find the genetic cause of a disease using C. elegans

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Embryology: Discover the genetics of limb development

Multiplex Automated Genomic Engineering (MAGE): Conjuring massive mutations


Fermentation: Optimize bio-ethanol production

Homogenization: Developing better-tasting milk

Molecular Cloning

CRISPR-Cas applied to TGF-beta induced EMT

Animal Genetics

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