What is the Community Campus?

The Labster Campus is designed specifically for teachers, professors and administrators using Labster, and is your space for developing your virtual simulation skills, connecting with other science educators, and gaining thought leadership opportunities. Community features include:

  • Fun, quick, and stimulating activities to increase your success in and out of the classroom
  • Discussion forums to connect educators with each other and the Labster team
  • Unique thought leadership and career growth opportunities

Ensure Continuous Success

Connect with Peers and The Labster Team

A benefit of belonging to the Campus is having access to a network of STEM educators who are also Labster users. Our discussion forum is the perfect place to raise a community topic.

Ask about:

  • Virtual lab simulations
  • Labster troubleshooting
  • Classroom tips
  • Student engagement
  • Educational resources and support
  • Funding and grants ... and other teaching questions you might have
Woman at computer on couch

Help Articles and Guides

The Campus includes reading material and links to help resources to ensure educators and administration using Labster are supported.

Incorporate the Campus as part of your teacher onboarding and enjoy fast-track software adoption and an increase in confidence among your faculty.

Hands a on laptop keyboard

Thought leadership and career growth opportunities

Here is where you'll find exclusive opportunities to demonstrate and refine your leadership qualities. The Campus offers engaged educators:

  • Self-promotion career skill building tips
  • Curated industry news to digest and share
  • Collaboration & contribution opportunities
  • Awards and recognition
Gold trophy

What Our Members Are Saying

Teacher helping a student on her laptop

“There is an abundance of resources easily available to me, and it is fun to get rewarded for providing feedback & completing available challenges in the community.”

Nadine, Instructional Academic Staff


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Person working on a laptop

“I learn about different ways other educators are successfully impacting student learning with Labster and other techniques. I also like sharing ideas and becoming better informed of simulations available to my students.” - Kerry, Phlebotomy Instructor, Louisiana

Kerry, Phlebotomy Instructor


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a group of people sitting at a table with laptops

“Labster Community Campus is a place where like-minded, similar-goaled individuals "hang out" for fun. It is a safe environment where we can learn, ask questions, and grow.”

Christina, High School Teacher


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This program is only available for teachers and administrators. This program is not available for students or parents. Must be 18+ years old to join.