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AP Environmental Science

Dive into AP Environmental Science, exploring ecosystems, biodiversity, and Earth's cycles to understand our planet's complex interconnections.

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AP Environmental Science
High School

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Immerse yourself in the intricacies of our living world with our AP Environmental Science course. Delve into the dynamics of ecosystems, the interplay between populations and resources, and the continuous cycling of Earth's vital nutrients. Experience the delicate balance between terrestrial and aquatic biomes and discover the pressures that human activity puts on Earth’s equilibrium.

Understanding Earth's Complex Systems

In this course, traverse Earth's complex systems, learning about the different biomes and their diverse habitats. Understand the pivotal roles of the carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and water cycles in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems. Through virtual simulations, visualize these processes in action, providing a unique, immersive learning experience that goes beyond traditional classroom boundaries.

Ecosystem Dynamics and Energy Flow

Explore the vital concepts of trophic levels and illustrate the transfer of energy through food chains and webs. Grasp the importance of how energy is harnessed and distributed across different levels of the ecosystem, supporting diverse forms of life.

Biodiversity and Humans’ Environmental Impact

Tying all of this together, we develop a deep understanding how to sustain the rich diversity of life on Earth. Investigate human impacts on ecosystems, including eutrophication, thermal pollution, and understand the global challenges of climate change, its effects on biodiversity and the tools and data analytical skills needed to assess these changes over time.

Learning Objectives

  • Evaluate the complexity of terrestrial and aquatic biomes
  • Understand the significance and mechanisms of Earth's major cycles
  • Analyze the flow of energy through ecosystems and the principles governing it
  • Recognize and critically assess human impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity

Browse Course Simulations by Unit

Course Units


The Living World: Biomes and Earths Cycles

Trophic Levels: Grazer vs. predator

Ecosystem Dynamics: Assess the effect of fertilizers on the phosphorus cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle: Balance food demands and environmental concerns

The Carbon Cycle: Reduce carbon emissions

Marine Biology: Investigate a massive fish death

Biomes: Identify and create the main biomes on Earth

Biodiversity: Assess and compare biodiversity on an exoplanet

The Living World: Energy Flows

Food webs: Learn about interactions between trophic levels

Trophic Levels: Grazer vs. predator

The Living World: Biodiversity

Spatial Ecology: Learn how the environment can influence the distribution of species

Ecological niches: Choose the right Kuppelfang to bring to Earth!

Landscape Ecology: Determine persistence in a spatially heterogeneous landscape

Biomes: Identify and create the main biomes on Earth

Biodiversity: Assess and compare biodiversity on an exoplanet


Population Growth: Lets catch some goslins!

Earth's Systems and Resources

Earth's Atmosphere

Drivers of Plate Tectonics: Replicate Earth’s convection currents

Land and Water Use


Industrial Impacts on Land and Water

Human Impact on Climate Change: Balance human emissions and a growing population

Energy Resources and Consumption

Environmental Impact of Coal Power Plants

Atmospheric Pollution

Environmental Impact of Coal Power Plants

Pollution in the Environment

Human Impact on Climate Change: Balance human emissions and a growing population

Aquatic Pollution

Thermal Effects on Marine Oxygen Levels


Terrestrial Pollution

Wastewater Treatment

Global Changes

Human Impact on Climate Change: Balance human emissions and a growing population

Timescales of Change: Natural climate change factors

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