Our Brains Love to Learn. So Why Don’t Our Students?
Make better and more intentional use of straightforward teaching strategies to create a joyful learning experience for students.
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About the Webinar
Student engagement
Straightforward teaching strategies
Curriculum design
Humans are born to be curious, exploring our environments, asking questions, investigating mysteries, and solving problems. So, why are students so often bored, disengaged, and reluctant learners? Likely, it’s because classroom learning experiences tend to be diametrically opposed to what kids’ brains are designed to do. That’s the bad news. Here’s the good news: after decades of scientific research, we know more about how learning happens and how teachers can support learning than at any point in human history. That’s the key premise at the heart of the McREL-ASCD publication, The New Classroom Instruction that Works: by making better and more intentional use of straightforward teaching strategies, we can lift all learners. During this keynote, you’ll be introduced to (and experience) some powerful insights from the science of learning and the science of teaching that reveal how every teacher can design and deliver challenging, engaging, and joyful learning experiences that support the success of each and every student.
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About this Webinar
Humans are born to be curious, exploring our environments, asking questions, investigating mysteries, and solving problems. So, why are students so often bored, disengaged, and reluctant learners? Likely, it’s because classroom learning experiences tend to be diametrically opposed to what kids’ brains are designed to do. That’s the bad news. Here’s the good news: after decades of scientific research, we know more about how learning happens and how teachers can support learning than at any point in human history. That’s the key premise at the heart of the McREL-ASCD publication, The New Classroom Instruction that Works: by making better and more intentional use of straightforward teaching strategies, we can lift all learners. During this keynote, you’ll be introduced to (and experience) some powerful insights from the science of learning and the science of teaching that reveal how every teacher can design and deliver challenging, engaging, and joyful learning experiences that support the success of each and every student.
Key highlights:
Student engagement
Straightforward teaching strategies
Curriculum design