University of Florida Access to Labster

This webpage is for University of Florida instructors who wish to add Labster simulations into their Canvas course.
Expand lab accessibility with immersive virtual lab environments


In an effort to support instructors as they continually improve and augment their face-to-face science teaching, UF Online has purchased unlimited access to Labster for all UF faculty, staff and students through July 2023.Labster is a virtual lab platform that hosts 300 simulated labs based in gamified scenarios. Labs take around 10 - 45 minutes to complete and allow students to manipulate variables, make mistakes, and analyze resulting data.UF faculty may seamlessly merge Labster tools as a fully integrated application into Canvas for UF students to then access at no charge to them.

Get Started


  • The LMS Admin has to register the Labster tool prior to you adding the simulations to your course
  • You must have either teacher or administrator credentials to be able to edit the course.

Note: if you do not have Labster installed as an external tool, please ask your LMS administrator to contact your Labster Customer Success Manager!

Step-by-step guide

1. Log in as an instructor

2. Go to the course you would like to add content to

3. Go to the Assignments section and click +Assignmen3

4. Start by naming the Assignment

5. Assign a number of points to your simulation

6. Scroll down to the Submission type and choose External Tool

7. Once you chose External Tool, click Find and choose Labster preconfigured tool

8. Once you click on the tool, a pop-up window will appear within your Canvas course. You can browse our entire catalog (including all the supplementary resources) within this pop up - click on the name of any simulation to learn more!

9. Once you find the simulation you wish to add to your course, simply click on the +Add button.

10. Remember to click the Select button

11. After you have added the simulation, you will be able to use Canvas settings to set up everything else for your Labster assignment (Simulation points, Due Date, Launch container, etc.)

12. After you've set up everything, don't forget to publish the simulations so your students could access it

Labster Dashboard

You also need to add Labster Dashboard to your course to be able to follow your students’ progress more closely.

You can enable Labster Dashboard to be visible in the Course Navigation following the guidelines shown in this video


To find more about Labster Dashboard features click on the button below

Labster Dashboard

Please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team if you have any questions or are in need of assistance.

Contact Labster Support

Find Technical Guides On LMS Integration for all systems:

Questions about Labster?

Contact your Labster representative:

Kayla Gulizia
Senior Account Success Manager

Resources are also available in the Labster Help Center.

Visit Help Center