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Educator’s Guide to Labster
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Labster offers step-by-step implementation guides to configure your school’s learning management system (LMS) like Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Brightspace D2L, Sakai, and Schoology. Once you’ve created your Labster course, you can easily add Labster simulations.
Instructors can use this collection of articles to learn how to easily add Labster simulations and check to ensure that the tool has been configured properly.
Labster’s quizzes keep your students engaged and the automatic grading of these questions saves you time!
As an instructor, once your students begin any Labster simulation, you gain access to learning analytics through the Labster Dashboard. Find how-to guides and helpful tips in our grades, scores & dashboard collection.
Please contact your customer success manager for account-specific questions, use the customer support chat, or email for further assistance.
Labster offers a quick guide to help your students get started with step-by-step instructions, best practices, and student support.
Not to worry! The solution could be as simple as clearing your cache and enabling 3rd party cookies. Here are some basic Labster troubleshooting tips to resolve simple issues, including our system requirement guide.
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