Enhance Learning Outcomes with Virtual Labs


Science simulations have proven themselves a potent tool for helping programs boost student success in STEM.

That’s because virtual labs diversify pedagogy with active learning experiences that target the roots of STEM attrition. Discover how simulations are empowering programs to boost test scores and prepare students for long-term academic success.

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Students are falling behind

Research on college-bound high school students found that only 20% are ready for courses typically required for a STEM major(1).
a blue and white logo of a computer processor

Struggling students have higher attrition

Students who earn less than a 2.6 GPA in introductory STEM courses are likely to switch to a non-STEM major (3).
a blue and white drawing of a rocket ship

Simulations boost test scores

Students with the lowest level of knowledge saw the greatest improvements with Labster, increasing scores 24% (1).

While traditional pedagogical approaches are not going anywhere, research has shown that passive methodology has its limitations. “Teaching by telling” not only imposes an undue burden on lecturing to reach diverse populations with varied levels of subject proficiency, but can sideline students from the opportunity to develop their own frameworks for understanding sophisticated material.

Active learning methods, by contrast, require students to problem solve and engage with knowledge on their own terms. Their actions and curiosity inform the pace of learning, sparking their intrinsic motivation to reach the logical end of their inquisitions.

While active learning is not a panacea to challenges in the STEM classroom, it is a critical pillar to outcome-focused strategies. Results indicate that average exam scores improved by about 6% in active learning sections, and that students in classes with only traditional lecturing were 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in classes with active learning (4).

Take the Product Tour to discover how Labster can drive higher test scores and pass rates.

Boost Student Success

Discover how Labster can help your students complete their STEM education.


(1) ACT. (2018). The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2018. ACT | College and Career Readiness Standards.

(2) Kennedy, B., Hefferon, M., & Funk, C. (2018). Half of Americans think young people don’t pursue STEM because it is too hard.

(3) Schechter, R., Chase, P., Shivaram, A. (2023). Virtual Labs Boost STEM Success: Insights from Contemporary Science Courses in Higher Education.  

(4) Freeman S, Eddy SL, McDonough M, Smith MK, Okoroafor N, Jordt H, et al. Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics.