Meet Labster's Lučka Bibič, participant in the 2022 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

March 24, 2022

Labster’s Content Product Manager, Lučka Bibič, Ph.D., has been selected to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2022. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are annual scientific conferences held in Lindau, Bavaria, Germany that connect Nobel laureates and young scientists to foster scientific exchange.In her recent article, Participants of #LINO22 – Virtual Lab Simulations, Lučka shared her excitement to attend the meeting. Spider-woman Lučka recalled her fond experiences at the 2021 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, milking tarantulas during her PH.D. program, switching careers into gamifying EdTech, and looking forward to sharing a “pint of science” with colleagues. 


Labster, the world's leading platform for virtual labs and interactive science, led the evolution of education during the onset of remote learning due to the pandemic. One of the main challenges educators encountered was maintaining student engagement and participation. Lučka joined Labster to further its vision of encouraging all students to become the next generation of scientists through interactive virtual lab simulations. Labster now supports more than 5 million students across 2,000 high schools and universities. 

Lučka’s goal is to end ‘one-size-fits-all’ learning and teaching styles by finding a more holistic and context-specific approach that would enable technologies at the system, teacher, and student levels to align with each other. Labster allows any student with laptop access to advanced, virtual labs. Regardless of background, Lučka and Labster hope to inspire all students to become scientists.

For more from Lučka, check out her TEDx Talk "How gamers are solving science's biggest problems" and read her post on the Lindau Nobel blog.  

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