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Discover how Labster’s immersive digital learning platform helps you deliver a learning advantage for your students.

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Laptop with virtual lab simulation on screen

Watch our 10-minute product tour

Virtual labs complement the wet labs. We chose Labster because it offered the best platform to meet our needs.

Bernard T. Drumm, Ph.D
Lecturer in Biochemistry & Biotechnology

We just abandoned the idea of mailing lab kits entirely. Once we subbed in Labster, everything worked, and then the rest is history.

Dr. Shani Salifu
Instructional Design Manager

Labster is an innovative way to reinforce concepts and prepare students for their future in medicine.

Brandon Battle, MHS
Program Manager for the Department of Biomedical Science

"Labster reinforces concepts for me and boosts my grades."

Felesha Jack

Labster quiz scores increase by 20+ percentage points from the first year to subsequent years

Schechter, R. L., Gross, R. (2024, February). "Labster Impacts Student Success" [Internal study]

DFW Rates decreased by 34% across three pairs of courses, over multiple semesters of using Labster

Schechter, R. L., Chase, P. A., & Shivaram, A. (2023).

75% of all Labster users showed high engagement on the platform and quiz scores of 90% or higher

Schechter, R. L., Gross, R. (2024, February). "Labster Impacts Student Success" [Internal study]


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How do students access Labster?

Labster can be integrated within a school's LMS (Learning Management System), and students can access it like any other assignment in their LMS. If your Institution does not choose an LMS integration, students will log in to Labster's Course Manager once they have an account created. Your institution will decide the access method during the sales process.

How is Labster purchased?

Labster is only available for purchase by faculty and administration at academic institutions. To procure Labster, simply reach out to us on our website. Schedule a demo, book a meeting to discuss pricing, start a free trial, or simply fill out our contact form.

How is Labster different from other learning solutions?

Labster simulations are created by real scientists and designed with unparalleled interactivity. Unlike point and click competitors, Labster simulations immerse students and encourage mastery through active learning.

What types of courses does Labster support?

Labster supports a wide range of courses at the high school and university level across fields in biology, chemistry and physics. Some simulations mimic lab procedures with high fidelity to train foundational skills, while others are meant to bring theory to life through interactive scenarios.