The Student’s Guide to Labster

Student’s introduction to Labster, troubleshooting and virtual lab device support.

This guide is designed to help students (and parents) use virtual labs and the Labster platform, from “what is Labster” to on-demand student support. This guide has everything a student needs to gain confidence in using science simulations. In the video below, learn how Labster helped student Kazanne feel ready for her career in dental hygiene.

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The Student’s Guide to Labster

Student’s introduction to Labster, troubleshooting and virtual lab device support.

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This guide is designed to help students (and parents) use virtual labs and the Labster platform, from “what is Labster” to on-demand student support. This guide has everything a student needs to gain confidence in using science simulations. In the video below, learn how Labster helped student Kazanne feel ready for her career in dental hygiene.


Chapter 1: Welcome to Labster!

Welcome to Labster! We’re happy to help you grow your knowledge and enhance your comprehension in the science lab. Use the resources listed below in Chapter 1 for a quick introduction to virtual labs.

Chapter 2: Tips for the Best Labster Experience

Using Labster is easy, but you need to make sure your device is ready to run a simulation. In Chapter 2, our product team shares useful tips to help prevent loading and performance issues.

  • Close unused window tabs
  • Make sure your device is plugged in or fully charged
  • Check that your device can run Labster simulations by confirming it meets our device and internet speed specifications
  • Remember! When launching a simulation, loading will pause if you jump to another tab. Please stay on the loading screen until your simulation is ready to play

For the best user experience on Chromebooks or iPads, consider downloading the Labster app:

Download the new Labster app from the Apple store

Download the new Labster app from Google Play

Chapter 3: Student Troubleshooting and Support

Labster has a dedicated Help Center for students so you can search for your solution or speak with a live representative without asking your teacher for help. Use these support features if you are stuck.

Chapter 4: Accessibility & Language

Our team at Labster is committed to providing educational material that engages and benefits all learners. In Chapter 4, you'll learn how Labster follows accessibility-aware guidelines for new product initiatives, prioritizes quality assurance and user testing at each step of development, and regularly updates and improves our released products to meet new accessibility guidelines.

Chapter 5: Commonly Asked Student Questions

Science is all about asking questions, and we've compiled our most popular student questions in Chapter 5. Let us point you in the right direction with easy to read Help Center articles.

  1. What to do when you’re stuck in a simulation:
    a. Your simulation is not frozen, but you are confused on next steps
    b. When you freeze on the teleporting screen
    c. All other basic trouble shooting tips for frozen simulations
  2. Loading is stuck for more than 5 minutes at the same progress, what do I do? Lack of free memory is usually the issue - restart your computer
  3. How can I clear the browser cache and cookies? Learn how to clear your browser's cache and cookies, and how 3rd party cookies could be blocking your access
  4. Can I pause and save my simulation? Yes! At any time during the lab, you can pause and resume. Learn more
  5. How can I access my student dashboard? The student dashboard is your ally in tracking your scores, progress, and attempts with Labster! Learn more
  6. How is my score calculated? Your student dashboard displays progress and scores. Learn how scores are calculated here
  7. How do I purchase access to Labster? Your institution may have asked you to purchase access to Labster, learn how here
  8. How do I contact Labster for support? Please see Chapter 3: Student Troubleshooting and Support

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