Research: The Impact of Labster on an Introductory Chemistry Course at SJSU

San José State University

Research: The Impact of Labster on an Introductory Chemistry Course at SJSU

San José State University

Dr. Melody Esfandiari introduced her 400+ student Introductory Chemistry class to Labster when the Covid pandemic prevented in-person labs in 2020. Curious, she decided to track the impact of Labster on her students. She did this in two ways: first, by comparing students’ grades to those of a previous class, and second, by surveying students about their perceptions of Labster’s effectiveness. In this case study, Esfandiari lets students’ own words and grades tell the story.

Download to read more about:

  • What students really think about learning with virtual labs

  • How exam and course grades changed after Labster

  • How San José State University will teach Introductory Chemistry in the future

"We surveyed over 400 students. More than 90% thought Labster was easy to navigate, and that it was fun, but more importantly, most of them felt confident that they could execute the labs in person. And that confidence is a big deal."

Dr. Melody Esfandiari

Chemistry Lecturer

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