How to use Labster for collaborative learning – 8 tools for your edtech toolkit

How to use Labster for collaborative learning - 8 tools for your edtech toolkit

Looking for ways to create collaborative learning opportunities with Labster? You can get even more out of your Labster experience by combining Labster’s versatile virtual labs and curriculum resources with a variety of other teaching tools. Collaborative learning with Labster means helping your students apply the knowledge and skills they learn in Labster to group activities that encourage reflection, understanding, and creative synthesis. Here are some ideas for how you can use Labster with some of your other favorite edtech tools!

1. Quizlet - a tool for students to learn any material through flashcards and games

  • Idea 1: As the instructor, create a Quizlet ahead of time to clarify any vocabulary in the simulations that students might not be aware of, or create a quizlet to ensure students are paying attention to all the important vocabulary in the simulation

  • Idea 2: You can assign students to make their own (or in groups) quizlet of vocabulary that comes up in the simulations so they can share them with their peers. With our new adapted simulations you can have students make their own quizlet for one simulation and become an expert on it, and allow other groups to become experts on other simulations and share their quizlets. 

2. Padlet - a virtual, collaborative notice board to share thoughts and ideas in real time

  • Idea 1: Create a ‘shelf’ padlet with reflection questions that you want students to answer after the simulation. All the students will be able to view others’ responses and comment.

  • Idea 2: Create a ‘wall’ padlet for students to ask questions they have, or issues they run into during the simulation and students can help each other out. This makes it easier for students to help each other through simulations.

3. Jamboard - a collaborative digital whiteboard by Google

  • Idea: You can post 3D animation videos or 2D images from the Labster content library and allow students to organize, label, and comment on them together in real time. 

4. Canva - a simple graphic design platform to create posters and presentations

  • Idea: Have your students demonstrate their learning from the simulation and 3D animation videos by using Canva to create a scientific poster. You can even share images from our 2D image library for them to incorporate into their posters.

5. Loom - video messaging tool

  • Idea 1: Have students screen record and talk through certain parts of the lab to explain their understanding - (remember only share this internally otherwise it is a copyright violation)

  • Idea 2: As the instructor, you can use loom to explain parts of the simulation that might be confusing to students, or they seem to be getting stuck. 

6. Google Docs - collaborative word processing platform

Idea 1: With our new lab reports and lab manuals, google docs are a great collaborative tool to encourage students to work in groups. 

Idea 2: You can create activities and assessments in google docs that students will work on collaboratively while they are working through simulations individually.

7. Poll Everywhere - interactive tool to poll a group in live time

Idea: Have students work through simulations synchronously in the classroom (or on the virtual classroom) and add polls to create a more collaborative/group environment 

8. Anchor - easy to use podcast builder

Idea: Assign students to groups (where they are given different roles in the podcast creation) to create podcasts about scientific topics relating to the Labster simulations they are playing through in class. 

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