Labster's 7 Favorite Anatomy and Physiology Lab Quiz Questions

Labster isn’t just a catalog of virtual lab simulations. We have a variety of other aspects to our science learning platform, and one of them is embedded quiz questions that test learning and retention within each simulation. The quiz questions are based on the learning objectives for each virtual lab, and students have four choices for their answer.

7 Favorite Anatomy & Physiology Quiz Questions

1. How is hyperosmosis in muscle cells counteracted during a Wingate sprint?

This question is from our Exercise Physiology Virtual Lab, where students supervise a clinical trial investigating the acute and chronic physiological effects of high-intensity sprint interval training (SIT) on a sedentary lifestyle. They'll learn how this type of anaerobic exercise, also called the Wingate sprint, is connected to the body’s ancient “fight-or-flight” response and how to monitor this process in the lab. 

  1. By fluid-influx into the cell

  2. By glucose transport out of the cell

  3. By conversion into fructose

  4. By conversion into lactate

2. Which of these structures is found in the ovary?

This question is from our Introduction to the Female Reproductive System Virtual Lab, where students discover the structure of the female reproductive system in three dimensions! In this virtual lab experience, they’ll use a realistic and high-tech hologram to observe the structures and organs that play an essential role in the female reproductive system. Students will Interact with the uterus, vagina, ovaries, and uterine tubes and inspect them closely to learn about their anatomy and function.

  1. Follicle 

  2. Fimbriae

  3. Cilia

  4. Endometrium

female reproductive virtual lab

3. Which type of sensations can be felt by nerves embedded in the skin?

This question is from Labster’s Skin Layers and Organ Anatomy Virtual Lab: Follow a skin cell’s journey! Students will learn about the two main parts of the skin - the epidermis and the dermis. Discovering their secrets will help them understand why we need this adaptive and incredibly flexible protective coat and its many structural components like hair, nails, and sweat glands.

  1. Both tactile and thermal sensations

  2. Tactile sensations like touch and pressure

  3. Thermal sensations like warmth and coolness

  4. None of the options are correct

4. You know where a large intestine is located in the body. What is its function?

This question is from Labster’s Absorption In the Small and Large IntestinesVirtual Lab: Journey from the stomach to the bloodstream, where students will step into the Anatomy and Physiology lab to discover how essential their intestines are in maintaining human life. They’ll investigate what happens if their intestines malfunction and learn why they need to eat their veggies!

  1. Absorb residues of water, ions and vitamins; move undigested food matter into the rectum and remove by defication

  2. Absorb majority of water; synthesize proteins from nutrients: move undigested food matter into rectum

  3. Filtrate food matter for toxins and harmless compounds, absorb residues of water ansd move toxic waste into rectum

  4. Synthesize ions and proteins from food matter: move undigested food matter into rectum

small intestine

5. What is the primary sex organ of a male?

This question is from Labster’s Introduction to the Male Reproductive System Virtual Lab: Dive inside the duct system! Students will explore and label an interactive detailed 3D model of the male reproductive system. Then they’ll dive deeper by traveling inside the male reproductive tract, learning about the ducts' locations and glands' functions along the way.

  1. Testis

  2. Penis

  3. Prostate gland

  4. Sperm

6. If drug X is a diuretic that impacts the glomerular filtration rate, what would you expect?

This question is from Labster’s Renal Physiology Virtual Lab: Find the mode of action of a diuretic drug, where students will learn about the structure of the different tissues inside the kidney and their respective functions for maintaining a healthy body, as well as their influence on urine regulation.

  1. Increased glomerular filtration rate

  2. Decreased glomerular filtration rate

  3. Increased total secretion of plasma creatinine

  4. Decreased total secretion of urine creatinine

renal physiology sim

7. Which of the following activities involve the use of skeletal muscles?

This question is from Labster’s Skeletal Muscle Movement Virtual Lab: Build your own muscle system, where students can lead the discovery of the skeletal muscle system to help a company build a new personal training app. They’ll investigate muscles’ movement and functional groups to create a better and more tailored training experience!

  1. Singing in a school musical

  2. Playing basketball with your dog

  3. Taking a nap on the beach in Bali

  4. All options are correct

Questions for consideration

  • How can you utilize A&P virtual labs to help students retain what they are learning?

  • What are your favorite A&P quiz questions from Labster’s virtual labs?

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