Inspire Students with Immersive Learning

Intro STEM courses can be a barrier or a springboard to college success. Engaging students is the key. Labster’s virtual labs are proven to increase STEM course pass rates by building skills and confidence.

Female scientist character inside of a virtual science labVirtual science lab with cell organellesVirtual science lab character in snowy landscapeVirtual science lab bench with science equipment and a hand holding a pipetteIllustrated visualization of inside of a molecule

Students who passed all of their gateway courses had retention rates up to 42% higher than others during the critical first two years of college.1


Gamified course interfaces are proven to captivate students, boosting their retention by an impressive 25%.2

≧ C

Underrepresented students are less likely to persist in chemistry if they perform below a C−, but more likely to persist if they get a C or better.3

  1. Florida International University Gateway Project
  2. A Playful Game-Changer (Krause et al, 2015)
  3. Reducing Achievement Gaps in Undergraduate General Chemistry (Harris, et al, 2020)

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At Labster, we help science faculty engage and support students so they stay on track to graduate college.

See How Labster Works
UCL logo with bold black 'UCL' letters.
Logo of the University of Texas at Arlington, featuring a bold orange 'A' with a blue outline and a white star in the middle, symbolizing Texas.
University of Alabama logo featuring a traditional emblem with the university name.
Virginia's Community Colleges logo featuring a recognizable emblem with the institution's name.
University Imperial logo featuring a classic emblem with the university name.
UTSA logo
University of North Charlotte logo featuring a stylized emblem with the university name.
University of Washington logo featuring a bold emblem with the university name.
ETH Zurich logo featuring a sleek and modern design with the university name.
SUNY logo
University of Florida logo featuring a bold emblem with the university name.
University of Stevens logo featuring a stylized emblem with the university name.
University of Kansas logo featuring a classic emblem with the university name.
Florida State University logo featuring a traditional emblem with the university name.
University of California Community Colleges logo featuring a recognizable emblem with the institution's name.
Johns Hopkins logo
University of Skovde logo

Institutions Use Labster to Remove Roadblocks for Faculty

No need for extra grading or planning time

Students look forward to learning at their own pace

Instructors assign Labster's virtual science labs because it helps them engage their students without adding to their busy workloads. Higher engagement leads to better learning, grades, and retention rates.

C- to B+

Labster increases student grades by an average of a full letter grade or higher.4


of students are highly engaged in Labster.5

  1. Evidence that Labster Boosts Student Success (Labster, 2024)
  2. Exploring Nationwide Student Engagement and Performance in Virtual Lab Simulations with Labster (Schecter, et al, 2024)
Woman sitting at a desk with a laptop
Higher Pass Rates

Higher Retention Rates

Labster has been proven to increase student grades and pass rates. Success in early gateway science courses can increase the likelihood of a student continuing in STEM and staying enrolled.


decrease in DFW rates (drop-fail-withdraw) across multiple semesters in three pairs of courses using Labster.6


of students report a positive experience with Labster.7

  1. Virtual Lab Implementation Model Predicts STEM Future Plans: Insights from Contemporary Science Courses in Higher Education (Schecter et al, 2023)
  2. NPS score, internal company data
Female and male scientists looking at a beaker
Increase Access

Dismantle Barriers to Achievement

Expand STEM equity and access among your students. Labster is designed to meet diverse student needs and offer a more consistent, accessible science learning experience.


pre-to-post test knowledge increases for the lowest-performing students in Labster.8


educators say they would recommend Labster to other educators or institutions.9

  1. Makransky, et al, 2016
  2. Labster Customer Survey 2023
Students sitting in a classroom and smiling

Explore the Labster Catalog

“Labster emphasizes the theory behind the labs. It is easier for students to carry that knowledge forward so that they don't find themselves in an advanced class when they missed some basic concepts in their gateway class.”

Onesimus Otieno
Professor, Oakwood University
Oakwood University logo
Three science students in a lab

Customers See the Results with Labster

a blue circle with the words gvsv 150 on itdigital promise
the logo for the edtech break through awardthe tech edvocate awards winner badge
a badge that says leader summer 2013the logo for ability net tech4 good awards

Award-Winning Learning Platform

Labster has earned recognition for our research-based learning architecture, best-in-class customer support, and student impact. Learn why our virtual lab simulations have received more than 10 prestigious education awards.

Learn More About Labster

We Make it Easy to Use Labster in STEM Courses

LMS Integration

Stay with your LMS or use our Course Manager

Assign Labster right from your LMS! Explore and select content, and monitor student results, all without having to leave your course page.

Course Mapping

Easily match Labster to your curriculum

Take advantage of our free custom syllabus mapping services to add Labster simulations into your course or self-serve with our convenient catalog and alignment tools.

Technical Support

Get live support whenever students or faculty need it

Our award-winning support team is ready to help you and your students at every step of the process via Live Chat, Help Center, and our training courses and guides.

Schedule a Live Demo

Try Labster yourself and share it with your colleagues and students. We’d love to show you how we can help you meet your student success goals.  

Book A Demo
Group of students surrounding a laptop